Monday, February 20, 2012

Puppy Birthday

Now I know you guys probably don't care much, but my dog is 8 years old today. I realize I sound like a crazy old lady, but he's my baby. I used to work for my neighbor and dachshund breeder, so I've raised my dog, Pudgy, from day one, literally. He seems so old now! He went from this:

To this:


He's the biggest baby in the world. He follows me EVERYWHERE, sleeps under the covers, and bites my brother if he's teasing me. Pudge also has his signature, 'sit pretty' trick that gets everyone.

I couldn't ask for a better best friend, than my furry little man. Seriously, if you're thinking about a new pet, look at the (long haired) dachshunds, they're amazing. Happy birthday, Pudge!

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