Monday, February 6, 2012

Girls Love Shoes

Rumor has it that all girls love shoes. So why should country girls be any different?

The craze right now is boots. Furry, fuzzy, warm and fluffy, boots. Although, I'd rather spend my money on Ariats over UGGs. (For anyone not familiar with Ariats, they are a very popular brand of riding/paddock boots.)

                        Ariat                                        UGG
                   (Both cost the exact same price)

Ariat boots, once broken in, are comfortable and tough. Even after mud, muck, and snow, my paddock boots are still intact. I've seen girls hesitate to wear their UGG boots on snowy days, because the sidewalk salt will ruin them. Silly me, I thought boots were supposed to get a little dirty.

If anyone's interested in Ariat boots, you can check out their website here.


  1. I LOOOVE Ariats! They really are the most comfy boots ever, and last a loong time. I lucked out and found a beautiful pair of Heritage dress boots at a boot shop in Nashville about five years ago, and they are still going strong after years of riding.

  2. I agree! My boots have been so good to me. I haven't had to buy new ones in years. And Ariats really aren't that expensive for how long you wear them.
