Sunday, September 30, 2012

Happy October!

October is one of my favorite months, because it starts the holiday spree. I love everything about the Halloween atmosphere.

What's your favorite month?

Happy October!

Freakish Fisher

Sometimes we hear this really creepy scream in the woods. It sounds like something out of a horror movie. No matter how many times I hear it, it never stops being freakish.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Happy Birthday, Fire!

Since I don't know when his real birthday is, because I adopted him from a friend, I'm making the day I brought him home his birthday. Which was yesterday! I just found the pictures on my computer of the day I got him. He was soooo tiny!!

Wilma has babies!

Wilma had her piglets yesterday night!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Something Interesting

Just saw something interesting on good ol' Facebook. Though I'd share with you guys!

650 enlisted men at Camp Cody, NM sometime during WW1. (Photo by Mark Raen). We love our horses, and our men & women who've served!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Farmer's Haircut

Jeff has been pretty busy with the crops and cows lately, and he didn't have a chance to run to his barber. So one of the ladies at the stable told him she'd trim it for him. 

Having friends at the stable who know how to cut hair can be pretty convenient for a farmer. She did a great job, and we didn't have to break out the horse clippers.

Riding in the rain

Of course, one of the most important horse shows of the 4H show season is also one of the rainiest. It's actually an urban legend/joke in 4H that either the Round-Up show or Districts show is going to be rainy. I've had my fair share of riding a class in a downpour, with mud up to your kees, and I'm more than happy to see the next generations of 4H-ers suffer through the same.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9/11 Tribute. Remember the Heroes

I was ten, in fifth grade when we were attacked on September 11th, 2001. Some teachers turned on their televisions, but mine just kept teaching. I had no clue why kids were being picked up early all day long. I found out once I got home and my neighbor showed me, but I still didn't fully comprehend the gravity of the event. Today, I wish I'd have been old enough to realize at the time what had happened.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Cows say...beep beep?

In my developmental psychology class today, my professor was explaining that children who live in a large city, (she used Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York City as examples) wouldn't know what sound a cow makes when they're at a young age.


Monday, September 3, 2012

Wilma is Home!

Back in April I posted about getting a pet pig. Well, we finally got one! Her name is Wilma. She's not a baby but she's pregnant, so we're going to have piglets in about 20 days!

Adventurous Weekends

This weekend I've been house-sitting for a friend of the family who also happens to be my dogs' vet, as well as a boarder in our stable. I've house/dog sat for her many times before, so this was nothing new. Or so I had anticipated nothing to be new.