Sunday, September 30, 2012

Freakish Fisher

Sometimes we hear this really creepy scream in the woods. It sounds like something out of a horror movie. No matter how many times I hear it, it never stops being freakish.

So what the heck is it? Steven told me tonight he'd heard it again recently, so we assaulted YouTube to find out what creature it was. I thought it was a screech owl, or fighting raccoons or something. Steven said someone told him it was a bobcat. Turns out, it's a fisher.

Not this:


It's a mammal we don't see often, but is common. (Apparently Jeff's seen one running around our farm.) It looks like a groundhog mixed with an otter, and a tiny bear. It sounds like this:

CREEPY RIGHT?! We listened to this video at the barn tonight, and I had to walk home since I decided not to drive down. Not gonna lie, I ran through the two yards separating my house from the barn. I haven't ran home in the dark in years, but that noise just lingers in your ears and you can't help but get freaked out.

Have you guys heard this noise? Or anything else that makes you jump?

Ps: this freakish call is the perfect way to start Halloween season ;)

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