Friday, November 23, 2012

Bacon Grease

I made bacon this morning (not from our own pigs, yet) and my mom told me to save the grease in a jar. So okay, I know grease can be damaging if poured down the drain, but mom said it's for a better reason.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to all my American readers! I spent the day at my grandparents' farm with half of my cousins. We couldn't have asked for better weather, better company to enjoy it with, or better food.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Weaning Wee Little Piglets

We've separated the little guys from Wilma this week. They're not too sure about the big scary world now that they don't have mom, and mom is one grumpy gal.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Cat Food

Over the past ten years, I've only seen the barn cats trap themselves in the back feed stall three times. The third, yesterday morning.

Happy Veteran's Day!

A few days late, I apologize, but it's never the wrong day to thank our Veterans and currently serving men and women. Thank you, all who fight or fought to protect my beautiful country!

This horse is body clipped in honor of our service men and women! Thanks to HomeFront Equestrians on Facebook for the photos.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The end of a pumpkin's story

I finally carved my pumpkin. You remember the surprise pumpkin growing in the front garden? Well, here it is:

I especially love Snoopy laughing manically in the background, it added to the Halloween night. The finished product is a #48 and JJ carved into it, in support of my new favorite sport and athlete, Jimmie Johnson.

I'm lobbying to my mother in support of turning the back yard into a pumpkin patch next year. We only use it for hay anyway, so we could sell homegrown pumpkins next October! I'll let you all know how that works out in the spring. As for this year, we're thoroughly enjoying the saved $12 from our surprise pumpkins, and Wilma will be enjoying them even more in a couple days.

Click the "Read More" if you want to see the pictures of the whole plant's life this summer!