Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Grand National & World Championship Morgan Horse Show

We show Morgan horses, and this week in Oklahoma is the biggest show of the year for our breed. It's my goal some day to be able to show at Nationals, because this is where all the big guys compete.

I had a chance to show a trainer's horse at Nationals, but the owners decided not to enter, which was a huge bummer. Even though I have to miss going to the show because of school, they have it streaming online, so every spare moment I get I'm hopping right on and wasting hours sitting in front of my computer watching gorgeous horses compete.

Some of the names I know by heart because they're champion stallions, but to actually see them in action is breathtaking. I spend so much time wishing I had a chance to ride them or meet them. They're just about as famous as big movie stars. I'd probably be more excited meeting Stand and Deliver than I would Tom Cruise.

Stand and Deliver
Tom Cruise

Anyway, watching the Grand Nationals is so exciting, and some day I'll be able to compete there too. But for this year at least, I'll settle for watching it online.

If you're interested in watching it as well, you can stream it from MGNLive here

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