Saturday, October 27, 2012

We are the champions!

You have to sing that title. It's more fun that way. Anyway! Our lesson girl is a STATE CHAMPION!!!!!!!!! We're so immensely proud of her and her pony, Redd! They worked so hard for that ribbon and they deserve it!

They won the Saddleseat Equitation Junior class. Everybody did their rail or "on the flat" work first, where the judge watched them show at a walk, trot, and canter both directions. Then they had to line up, and one-by-one perform a pattern they were given when they checked in. Part of the pattern asked to transition from the canter to a trot, and pick up the incorrect diagonal, then switch to the correct diagonal. (I apologize to those who don't understand the riding lingo.)

Well, Kerrianne is such a good rider that she actually had trouble picking up the incorrect diagonal. She was stressed out about it because she didn't have much time to practice it, since there is only a certain amount of given practice time before the show. Our trooper woke up and came to the complex ready to ride in practice at 6:45AM!

All of her hard work paid off though, because she was the ONLY ONE who did the whole pattern perfectly. She rode so beautifully, and did the pattern exactly how it was asked without messing anything up. We couldn't be more proud of the two of them!

Congratulations, Kerrianne!

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