Monday, April 22, 2013

A Perfect Sunday

Yesterday was perfect. It could have been a bit warmer, but I'm not complaining. The sun was out with no clouds in sight, and only a slight breeze made us shiver. My brother, best friend, and I decided to spend the afternoon fishing.

(We had to be careful fishing because there is an electrical line that runs right over the pond, and many bobbers have been lost to tangling.)

Muskrat Residence

100 Muskrat Residence 
Pond by the Tree 
Suburbia, Pa.

There's a pile of cattail reeds in the shape of a house on our pond. We weren't sure what it was until someone offered up "Muskrat" and nailed it. It kind of looks like a beaver dam, but it's on a pond without stream, and it looked a smidge too small. So what's it actually look like? This:

Just a pile o' sticks. We haven't seen the muskrat, and we're not sure if we will. So I took the liberty of googling it for you. They look like a mix between a beaver and an opossum.

They're a bit cute. I'll be excited to see if we can catch a glimpse of it this summer. Has anyone actually seen a muskrat?

New Baby Calf!

Just when we started weening Nina and I thought I wouldn't have to bottle feed the calf before rushing to school, Mom and Jeff show up with another adorable orphan face. Meet Bruiser:

Monday, April 15, 2013

April Showers

Who else loves thunderstorms? I love everything about them. If I was better at math and had the guts to take physics, I would've gone to school for meteorology. We had our first real thunderstorm last week.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

We have a sprinter

Nina is growing fast, and with the nice weather we love to take her out of her pen and let her stretch her legs (when the dog isn't chasing her). She first stuck right by my hip like a calf would to its mother, but now she's starting to wander off and graze in the grass. Although, being the baby she is, she doesn't graze for very long before she gets bored and wants to explore.

Country Humor

Every farmer knows the misery of hay in their clothes.

Ps: There should be an apostrophe in "its." Just sayin'.