Friday, November 23, 2012

Bacon Grease

I made bacon this morning (not from our own pigs, yet) and my mom told me to save the grease in a jar. So okay, I know grease can be damaging if poured down the drain, but mom said it's for a better reason.

She uses it on her horse's skin, around wounds I guess. When I asked her why, she said it keeps the skin soft and moisturized. Apparently it helps the hair grow back also.

When I googled this, I came up with different results. Many people say they use it as a hoof conditioner, which sounds completely reasonable. Others said they wouldn't try it because it attracts dust, dirt, and flies. (Um, it's a horse, what doesn't attract those things? If you have a dust, dirt, and fly-free horse/barn, I would LOVE to hear how you do it.) They use MTG instead. MTG is a great product, but is it a coincidence that both MTG and my hoof conditioner smell like bacon? Doubt it.

If bacon grease saves you the $20 for ointment, go for it. Sometimes old home remedies work better than the most expensive product on the shelf.

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