Sunday, March 4, 2012

Hello, Mr. Owl

On rare nights we're lucky enough to hear owls hooting outside. On more than one occasion, I've woken up in the middle of the night for no apparent reason, until I hear the owl outside. I believe he sits on the edge of the roof, right above my window. His call is a little spooky but I love to listen to it. After some googling, I found out he's a Great Horned Owl. Pretty cool huh? He sounds like this:

Not my own video.

Animals, wild and domestic, are my favorite part about living away from the city. Please share your owl stories, even if it's seeing one at the zoo!


  1. We have native owls on our farm here in New Zealand. they're called Moreporks. We see them now and then in the trees in the evenings. Gotta love them owls.!

  2. To watch them eat is amazing...

    1. I hope I'll get to see one in person, not the zoo, someday.
