Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Are We Home Yet? (The Badlands)

In one of my favorite songs, Jason Aldean says to "take a ride across the badlands," and that's what we did.

The badlands were fantastic. It's a national park in South Dakota that, according to the sign posts, was a seafloor, then a jungle, then a seafloor again, and now a bunch of cool rocks. Can you say fossils? It's where all the outlaws of the Wild West hid. Virtually nothing grows on the rocks, but we saw a handful of bighorn sheep and a prairie dog town.

At one point, Steven and I were allowed to go climb over the rocks, but it was a lot harder than it looks since they're basically volcanic ash and dirt, and crumble easily.The bigger rock formations have different colored layers, showing billions of years of Earth's history. If that doesn't make you wanna visit, then I'll post a handful of pictures to change your minds.

"I know I left my phone around here somewhere...."

The whole town of prairie dogs squeaked at us until we drove away. 


  1. I adore Jason Aldean! I love his music, and I love your pictures. They're amazing!

    1. Me too! I'm obsessed with his last cd. And thank you!
