Sunday, March 31, 2013

Shedding Season

I spent part of my gorgeous Saturday grooming my pony. He grazed in the yard while I scraped immense piles of hair off. Since he walks while he grazes, there was a trail of white, snowy fur through the yard. It looked like somebody had a pillow fight.

I took a video to show you guys just how much my pony sheds. I'm not exaggerating when I talk about him.

I apologize that my breathing was apparently loud. It's crazy how much hair he sheds!

Who else shares the shed-dread of spring??


  1. Holy cow it goes on forever! And here I have a horse that refuses to shed until mid July. it's his way of getting out of hard work, thinking we'd all feel sorry for him sweating under all of that hair.

    1. Ha! I think they shed all summer until it's time to shed their summer coat for a winter one.
