Friday, December 28, 2012

Shoot The Cat

Alexa gave me an expression of pure confusion and growing horror when I told her I had to shoot my aunt's cat. I, of course, snickered. She's more of a sister than a best friend, but if we did share genes she'd have gotten all the gullible ones.

"Yeah," I said. "I have to go over at 9:30 tonight to shoot the cat, because they're away for the weekend."

"Oh my god, you're serious? Why?" She freaked out the whole way to my cousins' house. "I know you do it with cows and pigs and stuff, but it's a CAT!" (We don't actually shoot any of our animals. She was just a little over-emotional.)

I just kept laughing and convincing her that I really did have to shoot the cat. This went on for about an hour. Finally, I told her the truth on our way over. Which didn't help.

"I have to inject it with insulin because they're not home to do it."

"YOU'RE PUTTING IT DOWN?! By yourself?! Oh my god!"

I laughed so hard I'm surprised I didn't wreck the car. I had to explain to her that the cat has diabetes and I have to give it a shot of insulin every 12 hours. She thought insulin was death juice or something.

Yes, she is blonde.

Ps: This wasn't a very farm-related post, but I hope it made you laugh!

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