Monday, December 10, 2012

Farm O'Clock

This will be a ranting post, because I have to get it off my chest. It frustrates the heck out of me when non-farm people don't understand how much time a farm takes out of our day. 

Bascially all of it, for those who have large farms. For those who have smaller ones (us), they don't take as much time, because we don't have as many crops and animals who need attention, but it still takes a large chunk of the day. 

Some of my non-farm friends don't realize I have responsibilities on the farm. I have a show horse, and I don't ride him nearly as much as I should as it is, because I have school and two jobs. I have pigs to feed, homework to do, paychecks to earn, I'm sorry that I don't have time to come over and do nothing for a few hours. Or when I do, I have no idea the time limit, because I can be at the barn for an hour or five, just depends. If it's nice outside, I'm riding my horse first. You can wait. 

Our house may not be the most pristine one on the block (and there are magazine-perfect houses all around us now), but we have 30 stalls to clean every night. And that doesn't include the time it takes for the horses to be hand-led inside, plus feeding. Our stable is always clean, even if it means sacrificing our house-cleaning time to get it done. 

There may be enough hours between waking and sleeping to get absolutely everything done, but there may not be enough energy to do it all. Farming plus normal life is exhausting. Come try it for a week, then if you survive you can hastle me about constantly being late. 

Does anyone else share this frustration??

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