Saturday, June 9, 2012

Graduation In Cowboy Boots

Last night my little brother graduated from high school. He drove off in nice clothes and nice dress shoes (I'm glad we got pictures, because Steven in clothes without oil stains on them is a rarity), but he didn't walk for his diploma in dress shoes. In true country kid fashion, he changed to cowboy boots before he got there, saying "Why graduate as someone I'm not? I'd rather be myself in my boots."

Of course, it runs in the family. I ended up wearing my nice pair of cowboy boots with a cute outfit, and our stepdad wore his nice pair with dress clothes. They're just so much more comfortable. Anyway, congratulations Steven, and the class of 2012!


  1. Aww that's great you little brother graduated from High School. USA is so different in that respect to New Zealand. Our kids leave High School and all they have is a prize giving and that's it. No graduation ceremonies until university. Love the boots!

    1. The celebration tradition is a great one. Those kids, especially my brother, work hard to get through school and should be celebrated. New Zealand sounds like an interesting country though! And thank you, we wear our boots proudly!
