Monday, July 1, 2013

Summer Storms

You probably know by now how much I love storms. Thunderstorms over the farm are always spectacular. There's something about the incredible cloud formations, the warm wind before it hits, and the force of the rain, lightening, and thunder that captivates me.

The sky grew black so fast, it looked like someone spilled a giant bottle of ink.

Reby was checking out the storm also. I was running around the field trying to get good shots of the horses as soccer moms filed down the road next to me. They probably thought I was nuts. The storm was pretty much on top of us as I did this.

It's hard to tell in this picture, but the middle section had a freakish bright blue tint to it.

This storm hit particularly hard, with a ton of lightening bolts and those super loud, no-warning, cracks of thunder. Ironically, the piglets slept right through the whole thing. Sound asleep.

I'm pretty sure lightening could have struck the metal roof over their heads and they would've kept on snoozing. Heaven forbid you drive a tractor past on a sunny day, though. Pandemonium ensues.

Do you enjoy thunderstorms? If you have any cool pictures, feel free to post them to the Facebook page.

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