Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Who Is Tom Petty?

Two summers ago my brother sent me a picture text with three baby bunnies on our living room carpet. The most ADORABLE baby bunnies I've ever seen. We've had all sorts of weird and wild pets, so wild baby bunnies just added to the list. My brother found them while mowing hay-the mother hid them in a shallow hole in the ground that the mower just managed to skim over. The poor momma bunny didn't make it, which is why we had them. My brother named them Thumper, Jack, and Tom Petty. I have no idea who Tom Petty is, but he made a pretty cool name for a bunny. Eventually we re-released the babies back into the 'wild' once they were old enough. But who is Tom Petty anyway?


  1. They're so cute! And Tom Petty's catchiest song is Free Fallin' (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lWJXDG2i0A&ob=av2e)

  2. Thanks! And thanks for the link!

  3. Were their eyes open when they were found? I've tried rescuing two litters of baby bunnies (the mothers were killed in both cases) and sadly, neither litter made it. I tried EVERYTHING, including adding pro-biotics to their milk. I used to volunteer at a wildlife rehab center, and they wouldn't even take in baby bunnies, because the rate of survival is so low. Apparently they consume their mothers' cecal pellets (which are like fecal pellets, but contain pro-biotics), and if they do not have access to them, their gut flora levels are upset. So kudos to you for rescuing these guys! :)

  4. Yes, their eyes were open when he found them. They were about palm-sized. We got some kind of baby rabbit food from Tractor Supply - it looked like little alfalfa pellets - and they seemed to eat those and some fresh grass once they were older. We had them for a couple of weeks until they were big enough to be released. I'm sorry yours didn't live, I wish I could help!
