Friday, August 23, 2013

Piglets or Puppies?

Fourteen piglets have been a blast. And they're growing faster than those little sponge animals you soak in a bowl of water overnight.

Since we've handled them from birth (I was catching them like little baseballs), they are much friendlier than our first litter. With our first batch, we were still getting to know Wilma, and she to us, so we were afraid to handle them a lot because she would come protect them. Now, she just doesn't care. As long as no one is being hurt.

Jimmy, who works on the farm and loves the pigs, has found out that if you scratch the piglets on their bellies, they fall over and lay there like a puppy. It's like they're in a trance, and its hysterical.

The first litter wouldn't let us touch them that much, so we're not sure if this litter is just special, or if all piglets do this. They are constantly making us laugh, and you just can't stop watching them. We should get enough people in the pen to rub all fourteen bellies at once.

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