Thursday, October 4, 2012


For a few years now we've had a major stink bug infestation problem. But I've only ever seen them like five at a time. Until this week. We had a warm front come through after a week or so of chilly, rainy days and the little suckers came out of the woodwork. They were literally, all over the girl I babysit's house, all around the barn, everywhere. I've never seen so many at once.

They don't bother me as much as they do other people. I don't freak out or anything, they're just bugs, but if they keep a respectful distance then we'll get along. Apparently though, chickens LOVE to eat them. My friend who has chickens said they snatch them up like jelly beans.

Proof that we need to buy chickens, they make excellent stink bug patrol. And someone at my vet's clinic catches them and feeds them to her chickens and lizard. I want a lizard.

Maybe for Christmas I'll get a chicken and a lizard?

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