Natural wetlands aren’t meant to be beautiful. Man-made wetlands can have some influence on appearance. The wetlands that were constructed, adjacent to our horse pastures, are the ugliest man-made wetlands I’ve ever seen. There are no flowers, a plain white-stone pathway in a peanut shape around the water, and a poorly constructed Boyscout bridge. (A bridge shouldn't need climbed up onto just to cross, right?) Since the town bought the farm behind our house and turned it into the Community Park (Sports Facility really), they had to replace the natural wetlands they destroyed in the construction. The most the town does to maintain the wetlands is mow the grass around the parking lot. Who needs to cut back the weeds around the walking path when we can just pretend we’re in a jungle? Thanks town for the mosquitoes and West Nile threats every summer. The only positive aspect is the peaceful chorus of Spring Peeper frogs and Bullfrogs on warm evenings; of course only after the caravan of soccer and midget football practice minivans have left.

Doesn't the Park construction make a beautiful backdrop to the horse pasture?
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